VideosAdvanced Profiling Using Conditional Processing Attribute Groups


Duration: 05:17
This video presents Oxygen's support for conditional profiling attribute groups, a feature that was introduced in version 21.0. The video shows how to create and use custom attribute groups for filtering and flagging content in the interface and the output.


00:00:07In this video demonstration I will present the support for conditional profiling attribute
00:00:12groups that was added to Oxygen in version 21.0.
00:00:17Conditional processing attributes can be specified using grouped values and this is intended
00:00:22for situations where an attribute applies to multiple specialized subcategories.
00:00:28To demonstrate this, I'm using a sample project about garage tasks and concepts.
00:00:33For the purposes of profiling my project
00:00:37I've decided that, the default profiling attribute values are not sufficient because
00:00:41some of the tasks require an increased level of skill in two different fields of expertise.
00:00:47For example, "Changing the oil" is a task that should be done by a skilled mechanic...
00:00:53...and similarly, "Spray painting" should be done by a skilled painter.
00:01:00To achieve my goals, I will use the default 'audience' attribute, but create a new attribute
00:01:06group called "skilled" with the values of "mechanic" and "painter" used as
00:01:10the subcategories.
00:01:13The first thing I need to do is to define that attribute group.
00:01:17So, I'll go to the Profiling/ Conditional text preferences page
00:01:23...and I'll edit the "Audience" attribute
00:01:27and add my new "Skilled " group with the "mechanic" and "painter" values.
00:01:36Now I can use the newly created attribute group values to profile my DITA map and topics.
00:01:42The "Changing the oil ..." topic is intended for a skilled mechanic audience...
00:01:51...and the "Spray painting" topic is intended for a skilled painter audience.
00:02:00Note that the profiled topics now have the proper attribute values displayed in the DITA Maps Manager.
00:02:10These new values can also be used for profiling elements inside a topic.
00:02:24For the purposes of filtering content in the published output, I will use a DITAVAL filtering file.
00:02:30So, I'll create a new DITAVAL file...
00:02:35I want to exclude all content profiled for the "skilled" attribute group from the output.
00:02:46Now I'll save the DITAVAL file in a new directory and give it an appropriate name.
00:03:02Now I want to apply the filter on top of my ditamap to visualize the result, so I need
00:03:08to to create a condition set based upon the filter file I just created.
00:03:13This is also done in the Profiling/ Conditional text Preferences page.
00:03:21Note that the filter has been applied and the two topics profiled for the skilled audience
00:03:26are now filtered out.
00:03:30The content inside the topic is also filtered.
00:03:34I can further refine the filter...
00:03:37For example, suppose that I want to create output intended for a 'painter' audience
00:03:42I want to exclude the content that was profiled for the "mechanic" subcategory
00:03:47and I also want to mark the content profiled specifically for the "painter" audience so that it stands out.
00:03:54I can do this by using the 'flag' action and assigning a value for the color and background color.
00:04:05Now, after I have refreshed the DITA Maps Manager...
00:04:08I can see that only the topic profiled for the mechanic audience is filtered out
00:04:13and the content of the 'painter' audience is marked with the colors that I specified
00:04:18The DITAVAL file I just created can also be used when running a DITA map completeness check.
00:04:24If I click the action from the DITA Maps Manager toolbar, you can see that the applied DITAVAL
00:04:30file is automatically selected.
00:04:32Now I'll execute t he validation operation...
00:04:34... and I see that there is a problem in my DITA map.
00:04:39One of the topics contains a reference that isn't profiled properly because it points to a topic that
00:04:44was filtered out by the by the DITA Val.
00:04:48To solve the issue, I'll just profile the reference to match the mechanic audience.
00:04:59Then I'll run the completeness check again.
00:05:05And the issue is now solved.
00:05:08This concludes the demonstration, as always, thanks for watching.

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